
The Thousand Days Project spreads the message of Mr. Prem Rawat’s message about the importance of peace of mind.

April 1, 2024 ⇒ December 31, 2026

Prem Rawat's Japan Secretariat (Bunya) will start the “Thousand Days Project” to spread Mr. Rawat’s message to young people all across Japan. During these dark and depressing times of major disasters and escalating wars, Mr. Rawat continues to speak passionately and positively around the world. We are working hard trying to help Mr. Rawat, convey his message about the essence of life and the world in his simple, gentle and cheerful way. If this project resonates with you, then we sincerely welcome you to participate in any way that you can. Please feel free to contact us about your interest.

Mr. Prem Rawat

《2024 New Year message from Mr. Rawat》

《A Chance Meeting Between Mr. Prem Rawat and Yutaka Kinoshita (Bunya)》

At 11 a.m. on October 16th, 2014, I met Mr. Rawat for the first time in a hotel conference room in Osaka, Japan. After exchanging business cards and sitting down, I directly conveyed my thoughts to Mr. Rawat.

“You are the first person in human history to be born with the mission of traveling the world to convey this essential and precious message. You are a one-in-a-millennium person. My purpose is to publish books that will be read for 100 years to come. So please let me publish your first book. We will share it with the world.”

Mr. Rawat answered immediately with a smile.

“Okay, I'm giving you the worldwide publishing rights to my first book. I want you to create not only books for adults, but also picture books that children can enjoy as well. I have many stories that children will enjoy."

And Mr. Rawat kept repeating to me, “I trust you.”

The following year, in October 2015, Rawat's first work Pot with the Hole was born. The book has since been published in 22 languages, including the English version PEACE IS POSSIBLE.

Bunya has since published two of his picture books and Breath: A Journey to Peace (2022). The year 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of Rawat's first encounter with Bunya.

《The long-awaited Japanese version of Rawat's bestseller will be published》

In 2021, Mr. Rawat’s book Hear Yourself was released by an American publisher, and it became a bestseller in the United States. This book has already been translated and published in six languages. Bunya will publish the long-awaited Japanese version in August 2024.

《10,000 Kifubon Project》

One day, Bunya received an envelope containing money to buy ten of Mr. Rawat’s books. The letter explained, “I was moved by reading Mr. Rawat's book. I will entrust this money to you, so please give it to the children as a gift on my behalf.” It was this letter that launched The Kifubon Project, which uses donations, entrusted to Bunya, to send Rawat's books to children across the country and around the world. As of February 1st, 2024 Prem Rawat Japan Secretariat (Bunya) has already given out four of Prem's books, totaling 14,261 pieces, to such places as orphanages, children's hospitals, and prisons.

The Japanese version of Prem Rawat’s newest book, Hear Yourself: How to Find Peace in a Noisy World,is our current book donation project:

URL: https://e-denen.net/10000-book-kifubon-project/

October 2017, to children in Fukushima Prefecture
Mr. Rawat handed over the ``I want to be.''

《Prem Rawat Publication Commemoration Lecture and Celebration Tea Party at Kyoto, Japan》

We invite you to be in the same time and space as Mr. Rawat and receive his passionate message to the bottom of your heart. In order to allow a large number of young people to attend for free, Bunya created the “Special Sponsorship Coupon,” which also comes with five benefits not available with the normal ticket.

Date: Saturday, October 19, 2024, 13:00 - 16:30 (Registration starts at 12:15)

Venue: Kyoto Pulse Plaza Inamori Hall (5 Takeda Tobadono-cho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto 612-8450)

Details and tickets: URL:https://e-denen.net/mr-prem-rawats-kyoto-2024/

Thousand Days Project to disseminate Prem Rawat's message

We have set the following three goals to achieve in the 1,000 days from April 1st, 2024 to December 31st, 2026.

1) Disseminate  30,000 copies of the Japanese version of Hear Yourself

2) Donate 10,000 copies of Hear Yourself Japanese version through the Kifubon Project

3) Increase the number of participants in Prem Rawat’s lectures from 400 in 2024,  then 600 in 2025: and finally 1,000 in 2026.

Through the realization of this Thousand Days Project, I am sure that Mr. Rawat's message will spread even more widely and deeply throughout this country. My heart is excited and full of joy as I work toward achieving these goals. Please join in the fun and pitch in where you can!

Here are some of the key points I have learned from Mr. Rawat over the past 10 years.

Happiness resides in a calm heart filled with harmony and gratitude.

All people are born with Peace in their hearts.

There is no peace without war.

First, each person must feel peace within themselves.

Start your day with gratitude for being able to breathe.

By bringing together people with peace of mind,

Peace at the family, social, national and global levels

You can make it happen.

You are the main character of world peace.

We look forward to hearing from you, and meeting you at this year’s lecture venue. We can’t wait to get started working with you to help spread Prem Rawat’s message through the Thousand Days Project. Please enjoy your days in good health and abundance.

January 17th, 2024

Prem Rawat Japan Secretariat/Bunya
Representative Yutaka Kinoshita
Mr. Prem Rawat speaking at the October 2022 Shinjuku Event

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